VamosiArt Gallery

Erno Toth - Stories from life - humorous bronze sculptures

Original works - bronze humorous sculptures - from prestigious hungarian artist – painter and sculptor - Erno Toth. His sculptures decorate squares, city streets, public buildings and exhibition halls not only in Hungary but also in Sweden, Finland, France, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, USA, Canada and in Taiwan. In Hungary, his works are represented in collections of all major galleries, such as the Hungarian National Gallery, the Mihály1 Original works - bronze humorous sculptures - from prestigious hungarian artist – painter and sculptor - Erno Toth.
His sculptures decorate squares, city streets, public buildings and exhibition halls not only in Hungary but also in Sweden, Finland, France, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Japan, USA, Canada and in Taiwan.
In Hungary, his works are represented in collections of all major galleries, such as the Hungarian National Gallery, the Mihály Munkács Museum in Békéscsaba, the Janos Tornyai Museum in Hódmezővásárhely, the Ottó Herman Museum in Miskolc, the Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs and others.

In the world of Erno Toth, dream and fantasy never become separated from reality, the possible from the impossible, the good from the bad, the tragic from the funny, the face from the mask, or the beautiful from the ugly. In his pictures many figures swarm in colourful crowds, usually in a cheerfully optimistic mood, but he always depicts the reverse as well as the fair side of things.
The world of Ernő Tóth is a very consciously structured world with laws rather unlike those that govern reality. His world was not created in six days, and it has not three but a multitude of dimensions - the three dimensions of space are as tight as a mousehole compared to the dimensions of feeling, thinking, jokes, dreams, and imagination in the artist’s world.
His inspiration comes from many places but is concentrated in opera, theater, carnivals, hunting, food, wine, and, ultimately from the great master Chagall. We have not found any artist that comes close to his style. His work tends to bring a smile to everyone’s lips and brightens a room as soon as it is hung.
Are his paintings beautiful? One might say that grotesque or ugly feet, noses, gnarled buttocks, crumpled light bulbs, vague spots are pulled together to create something unsettlingly or irresistibly beautiful. One might say also that beauty is not actually an aesthetic category. In fact, it does not even exist per se. What the term expresses is merely our relation to objects, landscapes, pictures, women, or flowers. A good picture is true, not beautiful. What makes it beautiful is that we love it.
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